October 2022: Thanks AFA Crohn association for the opportunity to present our more recent work in front of Crohn's and UC patients - always a special moment for us to be in front of patients and caregivers.

Juillet 2021: So happy / lucky to have these 2 amazing PhD students with me, both for the work they do and the good spirit they bring #proudofmyteam #luckyPI

October 2020: Yeah - beautiful work Adam !! Nice mechanistic investigation of IL22 & IL18 induced prevention / cure of rotavirus infection
Juillet 2020: A nice overview of our work on the beneficial modulation of the intestinal microbiota through targeted immunization by the AFA association - thanks to them !

December 2019: After 5 years of work, here we are !! Beneficial modulation of the intestinal microbiota through targeted immunization, protecting against intestinal inflammation and metabolic deregulation !
Click on the picture for a direct access.
October 2019: Really proud to be part of this lay documentary on the microbiota and its role in health and diseases with many experts in this field !
Click on the picture for a direct access.
10 October 2019: Our publication describing mechanisms by which SFB can cure rotavirus infection is out !! Here again, bacteria are my friends !!

March 2019: VAI2019 - Always a pleasure to talk about the microbiota !! Thank you all for coming and further increase our motivation to find new microbiota-based therapeutic approaches !
November 2018: Q&A: Neuroscience Researcher Dr. Benoit Chassaing Explains How The Gut And Brain Communicate
Our work highlighted
on GSU website!!

9 August 2018: Our study on the impact of neonatal TLR5 on
long term microbiota composition is out!
Neonatal selection by Toll-like receptor 5 influences long-term gut microbiota composition.
2018: Those bugs have a lot of attention !!!
More information to come soon ;-)

You can read commentaries about this research :
September 2017: Benoit Chassaing received an Innovator Award from the Rainin Foundation!
Press release here
You can read commentaries about this research :
Some of the press coverage on this article include (click on the image for a direct access to the press article):